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MGFIM ’19 Normandie France

As had been announced in Belgium two years ago, the 2019 edition of MGFIM was held in the north of France, in beautiful Normandy. Due to the 75th anniversary of D-Day in early June, the usual Ascencion weekend had not been suitable for our event, as the hotels were already fully booked. So we had to move to a time after the French summer holidays, the dates being 6 to 8 September. Lots of routes to drive and places to visit had been set up for Saturday and Sunday, when the tour will end near one of the ferry ports to the UK. Details will be published in due course. 

06.09. - 08.09.2019

This time, the event had been organised by Juliette, Serge and André, who are local to the region. The event headquarters were in the city of Falaise, located about 35 minutes south of Caen. Driving distances are 700 km from Cologne, 500 km from Brussels, 250 km from the Boulevard Périphérique in Paris. Ferry ports from the UK are Ouistreham (35 miles, from Portsmouth), Le Havre (75 miles, from Portsmouth), Dieppe (135 miles, from Newhaven) or of course Calais (235 miles).


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